The Beginning
This is a world inhabited by carbons:humans.They live on islands mostly.On these islands,there may be ruins,underground
tunnels and mazes.Those who explore these places are called Diggers.Diggers search for zenny(money),and refractors,big crystals
that can power up certain things.But to get to these treasures,Diggers must have a licence. Because inside the ruins are reverbots.Robots
that have only one pupose:destroy anyone who apears in the ruins.Supporters,can use their radars to detect these strange robots.
One day,a young digger's ship crashes on to a small island called Kattolox.And thus,an adventure
Plot:I thought it was very interesting.it flowed almost perfectly.I gave it a 9 out of 10
Sound:Good music,but the ruins had no music at all.9 out of 10
Graphics:They were good.But a bit blocky.8 out of 10
Controls:Pretty much,as easy as a 3-D game can get.10 out of 10
Difficulty:8 out of 10
Replay Value:High
Over all:89%.I enjoyed playing the game.
Middle and end
After crashing they meet the townspeople and the mayor.But the peace and quiet doesn't last long,For air pirates
are heading their way.They want to get their hands on this islands treasure.They attack with haste.They surround City Hall
with tanks,with Babu at the sidelines in case something happens.And they have guarded the entrance to the area of City Hall
with 3 midsized robots with deadly weapons,and Tron in her Giant Crab Robot.The piates won't leave till the mayor gives them
the key to the ruins.If they don't give them the key,they'll destroy the city!And with gramps and the mayor trapped,things
don't look good.Megaman,decides to go save gramps.As powerfull as the Pirates are,their attacks are futal.Soon,he pries the
pirates out of the city.But when their leader discovers that "that blue boy"has beaten them,he decides to handle things himself.He
takes his strongest Robot,the Marelwolf with him,and decides to try to dig his way to the Ruins.Even though megaman was told
to let the police to handle it,he refuses to listen,and fights his way to Teisel,the leader of the pirates known has the Bonnes.And
the fight begins.Megaman at first cannot damage Teisles robot,but learns its weakness and come out of the battle as the victor.The
beaten Teisel flees to his ship,baffled by his defeat,and decides to take care of megaman before he does any thing else.The
mayor is impressed with megaman's skill,and decides togive him a licence to dig on this island. But she asks him to also do
her a favor.There is a legend about that island,that one day a terrible disaster will come on the island,if the treasure is
ever disturbed it will happen.The Reverbots are getting more vicious then before.She asked to explore the ruins in search
for a reason for it,and any clues about this legendary disaster.So megaman explores the ruins.Even after fixing their ship,they
can't leave till they are done,and the pirates leave.The bonnes keep attacking,but Megaman beats them every time.Then,after
Teisel has lost all of is Robots,and his ship,he decides to let megaman lead them to the treasure. After Megaman opens
the Main Gate,A ruin that had always been locked,he finds a contol saying to unlock Sub Cities.He opens them,then returns
to the surface,and finds three new ruins,that seem to take him to the old Ancients cities.No one really knows who the anctients
were,but they were the ones that made the ruins and Reverbots.megaman finds this out as he finds to keys to the Central gate.He
believes inside there,he will find the information hes looking for.Soon,he collects all the keys,and heads to the Central
gate.Once he's inside,he sees an odd capsule.He advances towards it,and then,it opens,to reveal what seems to be an Ancient.Somehow,the
ancient seems to know Megaman,and says things that megaman doesn't understand.But soon he realizes that this ancient(Megaman
Juno)is trying execute a Carbon Reanisational program,which will kill all humans on this islnad,and return the ancients.Just
as Megaman tries to stop him,Juno summons a trap that traps megaman in 4 lasers.Soon,megaman beggins to forget things. Things
are looking dim,but who would of thought the bonnes would show up.They can't stop juno,so,even though it means saving megaman,the
decide to help him,because he is the only one who any chance of defeating Juno.
Blumbears:Defeat the red one first.Circle him while dodging his attacks till he is down.Then take
out the Yellow one out.Circle him while avoiding his attacks.Than use a mine for the blue one,and try to get shots on him
Tron in robot:Just step away from her shockwave like attack,and run and jump in circles for her
Bon bone:When he shoots his missles out,run under him to avoid them.for his other attacks just
sidestep them.
Marelwolf:shoot the wheels till they slow down,then climb up the cliff and jump on his
back.Shoot at the hatch and than move to the oppisote side of the arm thats going to attack you.
frog:Shoot at the misles till roll asks you to fight or retreat.Pick retreat and heal yourself
and buy anything you need,then go back.shoot at the misiles till you start circling him.Shoot the arms,the cannons,and then
the green ball gun.
reverbot yellow:jump up and shoot at him,then jump to avoid his shockwave and dash attack.
Team rainbow reverbots(sub gate #3):Run in circles while shooting at them,and luck
Gessleshaft:shoot the wings,the cannons,and the bottom,then the skull.
Bonne Bird:Shoot at the missiles then shoot at it when it attacks at you.
Bruno:Hide behind the black ruins when he shoots the plasma balls at you,then shoot like mad,have
at least 15 energy canteen,have at least 8 health,and have luck.
Dog:(black sub gate):shoot at it from the buildings and avoid the reverbots around you.Basically,you
need luck for him.
Megaman Juno (1st time):circle while jumping while shooting,but when he does the attack where he
dissapears and you see a blue explosion,when he reapears,jump.And when he says "How about this!" just jump.Have at least 20
energy canteen and have max health.
Megaman Juno(2nd time):Jump while shooting while running in circles,but when he yells and the screen
turns red,get ready to jump when you see the shockwave,then run in circle,don't don anything else when he does the laser attck.Have
luck,and he will come down.
Megaman fights Megaman juno.He only has 5 minites to destroy him.If he can,the Carbon Reanizational Program
will be canceled.otherwise,it will be unstopable.
After the fight,even though Megaman has finnaly ripped juno into shreads,it is too late.The countdown starts,Megaman
loses hope.but then,Data comes a long,and overriddes to program.Data tells megaman that what Juno said about his Memory loss
was true.megaman has lost his memery of the past.But Data will help along the way to try to remember.So,with the island saved,he
makes his leave,after the whole city gives him a farewell.So,with a victory,Megaman,Roll,Data and Gramps head to look for
the mother lode.But little does Megaman know that a bigger adventure is comeing his way soon......
Megaman Legends 2
The Beginning
Things aren't looking so good around Terra these days.Its been almost 5 years scince Megaman saved
Kattolox from Megaman juno.He keeps this fight a secret though,but gramps is suspicious.He thinks megaman had something to
do with the big Black box that almost landed on the island,but then dissapeared.But only Data and megaman know what really
happened.Roll has been down in the dumps.She's almost lost all hope of finding the motherlode.Gramps and Gramps friend,Von
Bluecher,have made a very big airship,that they believe will be able to survive the winds of Forbidden Island.It is called
Forbidden because of the terrible blizard surrounding it.No one who has ever gone in there has ever come back,except gramps
and Bleucher,but there ship was destroyed.they fainted once they got to the center of the island.When they woke up,they were
in another island.They believe the motherlode is somewhere on Forbidden island.They are attempting to go in there and find
it.But then,a women who gramps thinks looks like Amielia,Roll's mother,says not to go there,and when they refuse to listen
she attacks the ship sending it on crach couse for Forbidden Island!Of course,not if Megaman come to the rescue!A new aventure
is about to begin........
Plot:I think the plot was a little confusing at times.8 out of 10.
Graphics:They were revived and renewed from MML.I liked them.9 out of 10.
Controls:Perfect.10 out of 10
Sound:Some of the ruins had music!10 out of 10.
Difficulty:Moderatly hard
Cool features:you can target enemies while you are moving.You ca jump high from the beggining of the game,and
your not stuck on one island the whole game.
Things that suck:there are some items that you buy,that do absolutly nothing,which is a waste.
Megaman and Roll land on a nearby island to figure out how to save Gramps.They go to a Junk
store to ask for parts for a dropship.The Flutter won't be able to land on Forbidden Island,but a dropship will be able to
land with out crashing.They have a blueprint made my Roll's Dad,before he dissapeared all those years ago.So,they go to the
Junkstore.They see a guy talking to the owner.Seems like there's trouble a brewing.Roll seems to know him somehow.After the
guy leaves,they ask the owner for parts to make the dropship shown on their blueprint.He looks suprised when he sees
it.Seems as if That guy made a dropship exactly like the one on the blueprints.Roll figures that the guy must know
her father,scince he has the same exact blueprint. She runs after him.Seems like he went to the ruins,so Megaman Roll enter
them.It looks really abanded,but find out that the guy(Joe)found a new area.Megaman travels and finds the man,but hes not
doing to well.One robot fight later,megaman takes Joe to the Hospital.Joe lets Megaman use his dropship,in return for saving
him.They go to Forbidden island to save gramps.Megaman finds that Reverbots are active above ground here!As he struggles with
them,he gets closer to the center of the island.When he gets there,he finds a big Dimand floating in the air.when he touches
it,the ground explodes,and a huge reverbot apears.One battle later,the storm suddenly stops,and gramps ship is saved.but then,the
dimand breaks,and it seems there are two Ancients in there,a girl,and what seems to be a man.Bleacher lets them on his ship.They
tell him,that in order to get the mother lode,they need to gather the four keys.So,it looks like its up to Megaman to get
the keys before the pirates do.after traveling through four of the most dangerous ruins ever,and kicking the Bonne's and Glide's
but a few times,all 4 keys are gathered.but as soon as he gives the last on to Blueacher,the ship is attacked.It seems like
those Ancients used them to gather the keys.Megaman awakens to see the women who attacked the ship before.It seems like the
women Ancient(Sera) plans to execute the carbom reenizational program!The same thing juno tried to do all those years ago.Not
if megaman can help it.He goes up to the deck to fight Geetz,the man Ancient.In the end,Geetz sacrifices himself to try to
kill megaman.Luckily,yuna(the women who looked a lot like Roll's mother)heals him.Megaman also regains some of his memory.Though
it isn't fully back,he remembers things like how he had brought the master to terra,how he had asked Megaman to destroy the
system.His memory is still fuzzy though.But Sera got away with the keys.Things have gotten a lot worse.
Reverbot on Forbidden island:Shoot at him(have your buster have good range and attack)while circling
him.Jump while pacing around him when he shoots out his ice.Also jump while pacing in circles around him when he turns
red and does the cannon attack.
Bola(first time):Jump while pacing around him in circles,but take out the Reverbots before that.if
you don't,it will be a hard battle.
Bola(2nd time):Same as the first time(don't attack the reverbots for this fight;you can't kill
them)while trying not to get hit by the reverbots around the room.
1st Key Guardian:shoot at his mouth when he shoots out bubbles.Then do your best to avoid his tounge(try
not to fall down).When he jumps toward your platform,jump to another.
Birdbot ship #1:kill any birds that attack the door,and get shots at the ship when you can.Have
really good range and okay attack
Birdbot ship #2:just shoot at him while running around and just jump when he dashed toward you.
Glides ship:Just shoot at the missles and kepp them from hitting Roll till she fixes the weapon
2nd Key guardians:Just lock on to one and pace around the one you are targeting and jump when you
need to and it will die..(this is used so much,I'll just call it the "techniche)Than go to the next one.Then the next one.
Claymore(1st time):Use the "techniche"while jumping and he will fall.
Claymore 2nd time:The same thing,but you want to have high health and at least 15 energy canteen
because his laser attack is almost impossible to dodge and does pretty much a lot a damage.
Teisel:There are two ways to beat him.The first way involves destroying the statue and then blowing
up teisel for all he's worth.Although this is the easiest way,I don't recomend it.I best way is to stay off the platform,and
jump up and shoot him real quick before he hides under the statue.Although this is the hard way,it also means that you can
do the racing games after you beat him,without playing all that money to repair it.Have really high attack for this way.Everything
else isn't as important.
3rd Key Guardian:after taking care of the lava thats in the room(to do so,you must stop the lava flow with Tron.she
is in a locked room.).Than just use the techiniche and finish him off.
Gustaff:Kill the two servbots,than use the techiniche,but don't bother shooting her when her sheild is up.And
the servbots come back after a time,so watch it.
Super Train:Basically you do what Roll tels you to do.when a missle comes,catch it with lifer(just hold down
the button) than throw it back,then shoot.Just be cautious,and you will win.
Blob:4 words:DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE BLOB!Seriously...this looks ugly.Well,have good equipment,cleated shoes
help a lot.use the techineche,when he starts to move quicker,Roll warns you,just runn away as fast as you can!When the platforms
appear,Jump carefully up them.When he comes up to do is attack,use the techiniche while jumping and trying really hard not
to fall.Keep doing this,and with a little luck,he will fall.
Geetz:Techiniche while jumping and shooting.hes really not all that hard as long as you have good health and
you buster has good stats,especially for Attack and range.
sera(first time):My way is too hard for anyone but me to do,so go to this link for help on her.http://www.mmhp.net/GameHints/MML2.html
Sera 2nd time:I had to use this shinning laser.It really makes winning easier.Or,go to the site listed for 1st
Yuna tells megaman to come with her to Elysiem to stop Sera.Megaman goes.After defeating some of
the strongest reverbots in the entire game,he makes it to sera.It turns out she was waiting for him. She wants to kill him,so
she will be at peace,because master loved Megaman,but hated Sera.After vigerous fighting,Megaman come out the victor.Sera
realizes her mistakes.Earth is safe,but their ship was destroyed,and they are stuck at elysiem.And,the old system that the
master has shut down is starting to reactivate.As Roll and the bonnes try to find a way to save them,it looks like earth will
have to make do with out megaman for a while.What happens next.We'll see in MML3
Who's sick and tired of waiting for MML3?Can I see a show of hands?