Megaman X4
The world is at peace right now.The Repliforce and maverick hunters work together to solve any Maverick crimes.But
the peace is disturbed when a mysterious reploid comes to the journal saying that soon the humans will betray the Reploids,and
that he,the general, should take action and destroy the humans.He throws the strange Reploid out,saying he won't betray
the humans,who created the reploids.The next day,shy Lagoon is attacked by a machine that looks like it is the Repliforce's.X
and Zero try to stop the Sky Lagoon from dropping,but can't.After taking care of the Robot,it looks as if the Repliforce is
a group of Mavericks.The repliforce decides to leave Earth and make a space colony to live in.But the maverick hunters will
have none of that.A new adventure has begun.
Plot:It was a bit confusing.7 out of 10.
Music:Some pretty cool tunes.9.5 out of 10
Controls:Pretty basic.9 out of 10.
Difficulty:9 out of 10
Replay Value:medium
Overall:84%.It wasn't the best game,but it was okay.
Ultimate X:Highlight X when selecting a character.Then press o(x2) than left on the D-Pad six times.Then hold
L1 and R2 and press start.When you start the game,X will have blue and purple armor.Then go to the Amazon level.When you are
at the place where you are going downward a lot,look for a break in the right wall.There will be a armor capsule for the Ultimate
Black Zero:Hightlight Zero at the character select screen.Hold R1,and press right 6 times.Then hold down o,and
press start.
X and Zero fight Repliforce members to try to stop them.X and Z end up fighting Colonel,Iris's(who is zero's
girl friend)brother.They find where there base is,but can't stop their colony from going out into space.X and zero go up to
their base to stop them.X destroys a maverick who was a spy,and Zero ends up destroying Iris,because she misses her brother.Then
they fight the General himself.Just when it looks like the end,a alarm goes off.The base's weapon is being controled,and is
aimed straight at earth!X and zero go to see what is happening.It looks as if Sigma is behind the whole Repliforce rebellion!It
looks like another battle with the mighty Sigma.
After a mighty battle,they beat Sigma,but the General has to sacrifice him self to stop the weapon,and all the
repliforce is in ruin.Once again,much has been sacrificed to stop Sigma.X begins to wonder if he will ever become a maverick.He
begs Zero to destroy him if he does ever become one.
Megaman X5
Its been a while scince Megaman X4 happened,and the world is doing fine.Then one day,Sigma attacks
the Hunter base.X and Zero follow him.The beat him,but it looks like it was a trap.The Sigma virus goes all over the planet.And
to make matters worse,the space colony Eusuria is a on a path to crash into earth.To stop it,the Maverick Hunters have to
plans.Plan a is to fix an old laser called Enigma,and blast the colony away.Plan B is to fix a shuttle and crash it into the
colony.But the auto pilot is broken,so this pl;an is suicide.Its up to X and Zero once again to save the world.
Plot:It was a bit holy and confusing at times.But it was still a good plot and great adventure.7
out of 10.
Sound:Pretty good.9 out of 10.
Graphics:Okay.8 out of 10.
Difficulty:8 out of 10
Replay Value:9 out of 10.
Over all:82%.It could been a better game if just the plot was more understandable.You couldn't
understand it that well unless you play the game to the end a couple times.
(Note:there are many different plot lines to choose from.This is the one that Capcom claims to
be right.)
After repairing the Enigma,they aim it and fire it at the colony.After the impact,it looks like
the destroyed 52% of it,but delayed the time it will crash into earth.So,they decide to use the Rocket Ship.After reapairing
the ship(and fighting Dynamo a couple times),the ship is repaired.But something is wrong with Zero.The virus has been weakening
all other Reploids,but he isn't getting weaker.Instead,the virus is actually making him stronger.Scince Zero believes he might
become a Maverick,he takes responsibility to crash the ship into the colony.After saying goodbye,Zero takes off.After a
couple minutes,he crashes into the colony,destroying it.Plus,Zero made it out okay.He used an escape pod at the last minute.He
rests as he falls down to earth.The Maverick hunters go get him when he lands on earth,but then Alia says she has picked up
a new powerfull reading on her radar.For now,they name it the "Zero Virus"X and Zero go to try to solve the mystery of the
Zero virus.They end up destroying it,but Zero and X also end up fighting each other.They both end up on the ground.But then
Zero hears a familiar cackle.It looks like Sigma was behind all this to begin with.Zero stops Sigma from killing X,and Sigma
flees from the scene.X and Zero go to stop Sigma's evil plans.After getting to him,the final battle Begins.Sigma and X fight
vigerously to the end.Sigma says,he spread the virus all over the world because an old man told him to,so Zero's true self
would awaken,but there wasn't enough virus.After defeating Sigma,he says even if he goes,he'll take Zero with him.And X can't
do anything to stop him.
Ultimate Armor:Hightlight X at the character screen and press up two times and down nine times.You
should hear a sound to confirm the code.
Black Zero:Press down twice and up nine times.You will hear a sound to comfirm the code.
X tries to revive The badly damaged Zero.But sigma,with his last remaining strength,shoots at X
also.but Zero wakes up,an with the last of his strength,destroys Sigma(again).Zero sacrifices himself to stop Sigma.Than
Dr. Light comes(wait,wasn't he dead?)and heals X,then deisapears.X continues till fight Mavericks,and feals close to Zero
as long as he has his saber with him.Well,till X6 that is.
Here's an idiotic question to ask:Will sigma ever die?